Saturday, December 21, 2013


Dec 2013

 My girl was the perfect muse during the xmas card photo shoot (just took bribing her with cookies and milk at 8 am)
 She thinking, hahahhaa I've got her wrapped around my little finger!

 Maybe I should try another one mom, just so we get good photos.
 Dad and Lucy's first snowman!  She waves "hi Frosty" every day to him.

 Sledding with Isabella, in hog heaven
 Now dad's turn.  (mom doesn't seem to be able to get up out of the sled very well after our runs)
 Snow can;t keep this girl off her swingset

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Sept 2013 and Lucy's Birthday part 1

 Lucy and dad at cousin's wedding.  Don't they look fabulous!

 My gorgeous girl and her favorite thing, BINKY!
 Lucy, bee killer extrordinaire
 Happy Birhtday LUCY!  I can;t believe our girl is 2!
 Lucy and mom had a day of fun at the Mall of America amusement park 
 This girl knows how to get what she wants.  She grabbed the sucker and ran out of the store with it until I agreed to buy it for her.  VICTORY!

 In hog heaven
 And even a trip to the Hello Kitty store!  (or meow-meow as Lucy calls it)
 Go Pack Go!  Thanks for the dress auntie Caroline and uncle Dan-o!

Yep, I still make mom give me piggy back rides up the hill.

Thursday, September 5, 2013



Summertime fun

 The swing set was finally completed, after a few curse words.  Dad and Lucy adding sand 
 Lucy insists on leveling it out for dad.  She loves dirt!
 In hog heaven when the slide was added to the pool
 Just look at that face!  So happy.
 Lucy calculating her approach...yes, tummy first it is
 Playing chase around dad's car

Our neighbor made LUcy this fabulous tu-tu.  And yes, we are out at 7 am (she'd prefer earlier but we wait for the neighbor's sake) on the court and swing set 

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Finally, summer 2013

 Snuggling up to dad
 I put a flower behind my ear and Lucy wanted 2!

 Family photo at the park
 Eating out is not what it used to be.  She sat still for about 45 seconds.  At least the Breit family and residency has trained me to inhale food in seconds
 Lucy breaking the sound barrier with this trip down the slide.  That's speed, not static.
 Goose and goose number deuce!  Having fun with cousin Makayla at the zoo
 dad taking over my crayons, again
 Swimming!  we had a blast with the Moss crew July 4th.  Makayla is one heck of a swimmer these days

 Lucy broke free and was heading straight for the camera

 her butterfly stroke needs some work
 mom teaching Lucy the important parts of baking, actually the only point of it, to lick the bowl and spatulas!  Check out our matching Lucy and mommy aprons!  Thanks again Nany and Papa!
 Lucy is a quick learner.
 My favorite thing to do these days is swing, for hours and hours.
my sunshine